Air Canada Leader

The practical holiday checklist  

The practical holiday checklist  

We all know planning a holiday with kids can be hectic enough, with packing being one of the most stressful aspects. Amidst the stresses, it can be easy to overlook or forget some of the most important aspects preparing for your holiday. Here are some of the practical priorities of preparing for your next family holiday. 


When travelling abroad everyone going on the holiday must have a valid passport. Check well in advance of your holiday that everyone’s passports can be found and are in date, even if you’re almost certain that they are. Ensure the passport remains in date until after your return date too. Other necessary travel documents such as boarding passes should also be checked and organised in advance. 


Ensure you are aware if the country you’re visiting requires a Visa or eVisa and go about getting these organised as soon as possible. You will need one for every person travelling on the holiday. Visas may be expensive and require a good bit of planning in advance. 

Currency exchange  

Make sure you know the currency of the country you’re visiting prior to travelling. It is wise to do a currency exchange before your holiday so you have some cash on you when you arrive. Keep an eye on exchange rates so you can choose the best time to do this. Following this, it will be easy to use your bank cards in most foreign countries but be aware that there is a fee that comes with using cards abroad. It’s important to let your bank know that you are going abroad as well.  

Travel insurance  

Taking out travel insurance is a good idea when going abroad with a family just in case of illness or injury abroad. This will help you with any medical problems you face in another country and help get you the right care and help that you or your family may need. 


Some countries require certain vaccines prior to entry. This is usually countries in Africa, Asia or Eastern Europe. Do your research and see exactly what vaccines are needed and talk to your GP as well. It is often required to get vaccines done within certain timeframes in advance of your departure, so make sure you know exactly when to get them done. 


If anyone in your family is on any form of medication, ensure you have enough packed to last the duration of the holiday with a bit extra in case. In addition, it can be wise to bring a prescription or letter from your doctor with you to verify your purpose for bringing these medications abroad with you. 


It’s very important to look after your home while your away. You don’t want to have to worry about home while you’re on your holidays so ensure your home security is up to scratch prior to departure and get someone at home to look after plants or pets that may need taking care of too. 

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