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Travelling as a solo parent

Travelling as a solo parent

Travelling as a lone supervisor of your kids is a daunting thought, but there are simple tips and tricks which can make the entire experience easier for everyone. Here is our advice for ensuring happy travels during your trip as a solo parent.  

 Do your research Look into specific holiday resorts or packages which are specifically catered to solo parents. This will allow you to meet people travelling in similar circumstances to yourself. It’s also always best to pack as light as you can when you’re going to be the one doing all of the heavy lifting, so look into what items you can hire in your destination or are provided by your accommodation so that you don’t have to bring them with you on your trip. 

 Strategic packing There is a process to packing that can make you and your kids experience easier when travelling. Ensure that any items you will need in the airport or on the flight, such as nappies or snacks, are all placed somewhere easily accessible in your carry-on so you don’t have to do a big search when they’re required. You can also ease stress by having your kids pack their leisure and entertainment items in their own carry-ons or backpacks so that they’re not stored in among the essentials.  

 Tools of convenience There are some items you can purchases which can make travelling with young kids an easier process. There are different kinds of baby carriers such as wraps, slings and backpack-style structured carries which can be ideal for keeping your little one close but still retaining free hands. These are less bulky and awkward to transport than a buggy and should definitely be considered for your travels. 

 Childcare services You shouldn’t be afraid to admit if you need some alone time to relax on your holiday, so don’t hesitate to look into child care options available in your destination. Nurseries or babysitting services can be ideal if you want some grown-up time or simply need to an hour or two to yourself. You can ask your accommodation for recommendations if you’re unsure of how to find a reliable service. 

 Consider company No one is saying you have to travel alone. Pairing up with another parent or family is a great way of ensuring you have some adult company on your holiday, and it gives your kids some more people to share the experience with as well. You could also consider bringing along another family member, such as your kids’ grandparent or aunt, to ease your stress as well. 

 Top tip Don’t be afraid to ask for help. There’s no shame in explaining to a cabin crew or accommodation staff that you’re travelling alone with your kids and need some help or support with certain tasks. They’ll usually be more than happy to help out and provide any accommodations they can to make your trip less stressful and more comfortable.  

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