Air Canada Leader

Tips for travelling with a toddler 

Tips for travelling with a toddler 

The terrible twos are bad enough as it is, let alone while travelling! Don’t fear though, as we’ve compiled some of our most effective tips and tricks for travelling with your toddler.  


Flight additions 

When booking your flights, have a think about what additional aspects could help when it comes to travelling with your child. Reserving seats near the front or back of the plane will allow for quick boarding and exiting of the plane so you can spend the least amount of time on the aircraft as possible. Priority boarding can also be helpful in reducing waiting times, as well as security fast-check. 

 Organisation is key 

Long waiting periods are the primary catalyst of a toddler tantrum. Try not to test your little one’s patience during the likes of security checks. Ensuring you have all of your items declared and have your liquids correctly measured and organised into plastic bags prior arrival will help speed up the process.  

 Sleepy heads  

Ideally, you want your toddler to sleep for as much of the flight as possible. The best way to do this is to ensure your child is worn out by the time it comes to boarding. Let your toddler run amuck in the terminal to use up some energy, and enquire to see if the airport has a kids’ area or playground. Try prevent your little one from napping before take-off if possible. 

 Strategic packing 

When it comes to packing and preparing for your child’s trip, ensure entertainment and comfort items are stored in your carry-on. Toys and books make for good distractions, while having a phone or iPad with your toddler’s favourite cartoons and music downloaded on to it is helpful too. Home comforts like teddy bears or blankets will help them relax and feel at ease throughout the flight. 


Hungry tummies 

Have enough snacks and drinks packed to last the duration of the journey, and a bit extra in case of any unanticipated delays. Hunger can be a prime factor of crankiness, so avoid this with regular snacks. Having sweets for your child to suck on can help with ear popping. If you need milk heated or any other assistance, don’t be afraid to ask airline staff – they’re usually only happy to help.

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